How to Make Simple, Realistic Paper Roses
Posted by Sophie on 12th Jul 2019
How to make a simple paper rose

Step 1. Cut three square sheets of paper. For this paper rose, I cut the sheets to 14cm x 14cm
Step 2. Fold the sheet diagonally
Step 3. Fold the diagonally folded sheet in half, then in half again
Step 4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 with the other two square sheets
Step 5. Cut a rounded petal shape and snip a small section off the bottom of all three folded pieces
Step 6. Unfold the three pieces and cut 1 petal from the first, 2 petals from the next and 3 petals from the last piece.
Step 7. Curl the edges of the petals. I used a pierce it tool but any thin, cylindrical object will work - such as a skewer or tooth pick
Step 8. Take the three largest pieces, overlap the outer petals and glue them together
Step 9. With the remaining three smaller pieces, overlap the outer edges slightly and glue them together
Step 10. From the largest to smallest, glue each section inside each other to assemble your paper rose!